Tuesday 15 December 2020

Mental Fitness Coach Aspergers Women

tis time to step out of the darkness...

#mentalfitnesscoach #aspergers #aspifemales 

Friday 27 November 2020

Série Leadership Polaris Entreprise # 6 : Uniquement pour les autistes

Neurodivergents welcome <3 
Great initiative guys 
Gives me hope and as a mother giving a future to my kids 

Thursday 14 May 2020

What Women With Autism Want You to Know | Iris

Next time you'll cross her you'll know so be kind :) #autism #asperges #mentalhelath

Thursday 30 April 2020

This is a mind blowing talk of which I am aligned with - are you?

Access Your FULL Creative Potential with Teal Swan & Stewart Pearce: Power is your birthright and the murky waters of transformation offer great hope for a magnificent renaissance of art, community, and infinite expressions of divinity.

Tuesday 14 April 2020

During the Covid19 confinement - learn a new skill...

During the covid19 pandemic lockdown you're stuck at home anyway so why not learn a new sill?

Listen up now...

Spiritual Online Business Academy - intro