Come get the link for the weekly sessions here
Before you watch, read this ;)
I go into details about the coaching program and what it entails...
Suffice to know that what some of us call monkey voice or other nomenclature it is in fact your Saboteurs that keep you in your comfort zone and safe.
For the brain likes no more to work than you do!! So repeatable patterns are the norm, at all costs. For the brain that means if it does not think then no need to use energy in getting sugar so I may perform the chemical reactions necessary for all this thinking, analysing and God forbid - growth! Can you imagine the amount of chemical reactions? Synaptic neuropathways to create? That's cells also more food..... The mere thought of it sets the Saboteurs off in full swing :) This is the hemisphere of the brain, Limbic & logic
And the cost to you autistics (neurotypicals) is:
More anxiety (less stress)
More meltdowns (less anxiety)
More triggers (less fear)
More fear
With a downward spiral into hell, self isolation and possibly depression and the neurotypicals would still have to go into society for firends, for work, to walk the dog, get the groceries... (which an autistic person will try and avoid at all costs, limiting the number of outings, trying to get delivered as much as possible.) Hell is fine as long as you continue to walk in the face of adversity you can but grow, most people stop and look around - that's when it all goes askew and we start listening to the Saboteurs again and again and again...
What this program does is it rewires your brain in such a way that the work sort of does itself...
So the app helps you develop your right hemisphere of the brain where the Sage resides in empathy, creativity, curiosity & laser focused action...
Initially this will mean that you actually feel less of these emotions - so feel them now enjoy them for soon they will be a thing of the distant past, every time you get one feel it and acknowledge it
And the benefit to you autistics (neurotypicals) is:
less fear (getting into neutral understanding of what's going on in my energetic fields)
Less triggers (less fear)
Less meltdowns (less anxiety)
Less anxiety (less stress)
Learning self awareness as Sage mode begins to have a hold, a strong hold.
So why not take all this and now watch the Live Zoom Call and then come to a live weekly session here
I entrust the universe with the intentions that I have for the highest good of me and all concerned, knowing that my aim is for us neurodivergents to have a more liberated, tranquil and thus integrated with the neurotypicals society.