Friday 9 October 2015

The Lie We Live

A must watch video that will impact your weekend
Pour regarder en Français une fois dans YT  allez sur la roue en bas à droite de la vidéo et dans settings selectionez Français :D voilà

Saturday 3 October 2015

Sunday 17 May 2015

First class marketing marketers

Jay Kubassek​ Stuart Ross​ are such generous people. I explain in the video how after searching for a particular training that I could not find, I had to resort to what 'non priviledged people' do - google it and deal with that! As it happens I found it eventually. My <3 lept forwards for I know that the training is top class and can immediately be implemented into cash.

This, for my part, is where the real marketing happens, fast and now!

Jay and Stu know how to give it to us in this way... go see my video and get your info now...